Building Strong Communities By
Training Strong Communal Rabbis
barkai trains rabbis

Barkai certifies Israeli rabbis in counseling, abuse recognition, sensitivity training,
mediation and more. Armed with these pastoral skills, rabbis are better equipped to
support, sustain, and provide for their community’s spiritual and familial health.

Building Strong Communities By Training Strong Communal Rabbis
barkai trains rabbis

Barkai certifies Israeli rabbis in counseling, abuse recognition, sensitivity training, mediation and more. Armed with these pastoral skills, rabbis are better equipped to support, sustain, and provide for their community’s spiritual and familial health.

BARKAI in Numbers
barkai trains rabbis





Hours of Training

2017 bogrimBarkai Cohort 3 is currently taking two extended courses. One course is in Jewish Life Coaching taught by the Founder of Kavana College of Coaching, Mati Wexler. The goal of the course is to improve the rabbis listening and conversation skills, to develop the ability to judge others favorably and to create change through listening and helping people find answers within themselves. The second course is in Fertility and Halacha and is being taught by Aryeh Katz. As part of this course the rabbis met with couples who are struggling with infertility so as to hear about their challenges directly from them.

The Barkai Center for Practical Rabbinics aims to improve the fabric of Israeli society by intensively training Israeli rabbis in all aspects of communal rabbinics so that they can lead their communities to a more meaningful connection with Judaism and act as a unifying force in Israeli society.

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